” …..if you’re your own worst enemy, you’re also your own worst victim.”
~ Eric Barker.
Whoa! When I read this in one of Barker’s newsletters “Barking Up the Wrong Tree” [eric@bakadesuyo.com], I had an oh-shite reaction. While not quite a syllogism, there was, to me, deep truth in what was written.
How frequently have I treated myself in a manner that I would not to someone else? How many times have I ignored my wants, not to mention my needs? How often have I called myself unkind (or other very negative) words, simply because I ‘didn’t get it’ fast enough, or was feeling sad (or angry) with a life event, or thought (especially in today’s climate) a “non-popular” thought?
How many times?!
And….. what about actions I took that were less than loving or noble towards my highest good? Times I sabotaged myself: The phone call I didn’t make ~ the letter I didn’t write ~ the project I kept putting off until the time for its viability had passed. Holy moley, I actually have a type of get-to-it-soon list of things-to-do. Ha! Seriously. (Ah Lin, keep coming back, it works if you work it.)
All of these non-actions and thoughts are a projection of ‘fear of… [fill in the blank.] Got a list of ’em to finish that sentence, although ~ not trying to be my own worst enemy ~ the list has become smaller, and smaller, and smaller. Yea me! (You fill in the blank for yourself and your own personal fear-full hit-parade.) (Huh. ‘Hit.’ Sounds like the operative word there too!)
While I’m not suggesting …..or maybe I am …..standing in front of a mirror and belting out singing War’s song Why Can’t We Be Friends, I AM suggesting being just-plain-nicer to ourselves. Thoughts, words, actions.
Works for me. How about you?