The difference between a Workshop and a Presentation is inter-activity. Workshops are designed to be both informative and hands-on. There can be in-group activities, circular dialogue, role-modeling and/or training, and the Workshop becomes a microcosm of future action. Most Workshops occur on a Saturday morning and last 4-5 hours, including brown-bag lunchtime. The fun of Workshops is that the Q&A takes place through-out, and each participant then becomes a teacher themselves. The joyful thing about Workshops is hearing about, learning, and teaching how this Journey Works for us together.
Workshops in the past have focused upon visioning, energy exchange, practical applications and role-play of healthy boundaries {this one’s usually a hoot !!}, Enneagramatic dynamics within a group, ACOA family-of-origin roles, breaking through barriers of negative self-talk, purposeful (or topical) Labyrinth walking, understanding-identifying-and-expressing Gratitude, Reframing (both what was and what is), among other topics. {Psst…once we played with spoon bending !} {Oh yes you can !!}
As mentioned earlier, if you have a subject matter or knowledge which you would like to present a Workshop, or know of someone you’d like others to get to know and learn from, please feel very free to contact me and we can get this set up.
See the ‘Calendar of Events’ for upcoming Workshops. Fliers pertaining to Workshop Presenter(s), content, pricing and parameters will be sent upon request.