Focus Groups are gatherings that have a designated ‘topic’ of interest, a set number of attendees who commit to the entire process, a set length-of-time, as well as a set number of weeks in which we meet. Traditionally, in the past, these groups have met in the evening, usually for one-and-a-half to two hours per meeting. Some Focus Groups have been book studies, which focus on a specific text that creates greater understanding of this Journey and how it Works. Daytime groups can also be arranged.
Over the past 12 years, Focus Groups have been created around such topics as the law-of-attraction, self-growth through self-forgiveness, the illusion of time (ha ha) management, discovering and understanding the barriers to positive forward movement, co-dependency characteristics and creating healthy boundaries, passion and career mapping, family-of-origin roles, spiritual discovery, Visioning, vision boards, Enneagram models and living ‘high side’, etc. Book-study Focus Groups have utilized the texts of Gregg Braden, Napoleon Hill, Louise Hay, Neville, Terry Bradshaw, and others.
See the‘Calendar of Events’ for upcoming Groups. Fliers pertaining to Group content, pricing and parameters will be sent upon request. Feel free to contact me. In addition, if you and others are ready to delve into a topic, contact me. I have led many “pre-formed” groups.