“Never take anything for granted.” ~ Benjamin Disraeli.
The past several weeks have contributed to a surreal tableau, and I’m referring globally as well as individually. If one has ever wondered about the interconnectedness that exists between ‘all creatures great and small’ {thanks Mr. Herriot}, I believe those wonderings are being laid to rest. More and more quickly.
However, what comes to Mind for me the most, is the opportunity to truly take survey, inventory if you will, of what truly matters in one’s life. People, places, things, and events. Thoughts, beliefs, values and actions. Open- or close-mindedness. Judgementalism or Curiosity. Fears or faiths. Meditating or medicating. Laughter or lamentation.
I chose the quote for this Elaboration so that I can encourage those who read this to celebrate those things {PPT&E and TBV&A’s} 😉 that may have been taken for granted, or possibly simply ‘overlooked’ in the normalcy of a day-in-the-life.
Right now, there is not a great deal of old normalcy, so the Act of Celebration brings closer those appreciations: a kind word; softness of the toilet paper {and the fact I have toilet paper !!}; reaching out altruistically to encourage connection with another. A favorite brand of snack food; the snuggle of a pet; re-watching a favorite film or re-reading a favorite book. Then ….
…there is the marvelous feeling of sunshine on the face; birdsong; grasses greening and plants budding; the breeze enfolding the body. How about a meal made with loving thought; a wave from a neighbor ~ or a “stranger;” the sharing of humor in texts and phone calls and tweets. Ahhh … Bounty and Abundance all around.
How about “I love you” ‘s. And “thank you”‘s. And wishing others ‘wellness.’
Little things that, when not taken for granted are, really, the big things in Life. Momentous.
As I remember to remember these little things ~ taking nothing for granted ~ I am more balanced and centered ~ and happier. Appreciation and thankfulness does that. What a wonderful by-product. And now, I can make clearer decision about the other important things that are occurring too.
Oh ! One last important thing I do not take for granted. You. Thank you for Being … and being a part of my Life. Namaste’. Truly.