I chose these lyrics … as they seemed especially poignant and appropriate.
Changes in latitudes: While not having quite the cache’ of, say … ‘Summering in the Hamptons‘ … I will be ‘Summering in Baltimore’ (or a burb thereof.) What also came to mind is another musician and lyricist, John Lennon, who said “Life is what happens while you are busy making other plans.”
The great friend I am ‘roomy’ with has decided, while the market is so gang-busters in Nashville, to sell the house and move, most likely, back to their home state. Good for them !!! They’ve been contemplating (and wanting this) for quite some time. Now is the time. Interesting, too, how one can genuinely feel “Yahoo for them !!!” and simultaneously experience “OMG” for one’s self. Those dichotomies of life … where the prospect of a vacation at Ocean City for 10+ days becomes a flight cancelled, a car loaded, and a road trip.
Changes in attitudes: SO much of the time I spent here for those 11 months (late-’16 to mid-’17) were colored by the experience of brother-in-law’s terminal diagnosis, his end-of-life choices, the death, and the aftermath of the ‘business of death,’ that I spent little time really getting to know the history and attractions of the City and surrounding areas. For a city established in 1729, there is enormous history for a ‘geeker’ like me: literary (quoth the raven); science (Johns Hopkins, and the Applied Physics Lab…where some of the ‘stuff’ of space exploration gets envisioned and invented); sports (not necessarily my ‘bag’ except baseball [they’ve got the Orioles], a great lacrosse museum; horse farms and Pimlico ); food ~ especially seafood (fresh crab, lovely shrimp, oh me – oh my!!) and a multitude of century-old ethnic neighborhoods (Italian, Irish, German, Greek, Asian…..numm!) offering great traditional foods; music (Baltimore Symphony – giving free concerts), arts (Peale Museum … since 1813 no less !), architecture (Shot Tower – 1828; Baltimore Basilica, 1821, the first cathedral built in the US), lovely waterways and harbor. So yes, some changes in attitudes.
Pssst …. the traffic is still insane!!!!! Needing to learn back roads and shortcuts. And get a real map !
Therefore, I’m going to see more here. I’m going to connect with businesses and provide workshops here. I’m going to reconnect with folks I met when I was here before. I’m going to spend time with sibs more, and ….. well ….. overall Be More. Who knew … when I chose “More” as the May quote …. that it would play such an integral part for me and this portion of my life.
That said, now for the wonderful ‘things’ that stay the same, Coaching sessions are, as always, a ‘go’. I’ll continue just like I’ve been doing the past 19 months. Phone sessions for the most part for ‘my homies’ in Nash and surrounding areas. {I did revel in the hugs and face-to-faces some of us were able to do!} More soon! Looking forward to connecting with the changes you’re experiencing!
You, too, practice on being ‘More,’ and exploring those latitudes and attitudes.
Namaste’ Lin