“Never limit your view of Life
by any past experience.”
~ Ernest Holmes.
I read this and thought “you betcha!!” Then went on to think (as I’m a ‘thinkin’ gal) how I less-than-often yet more-than-sometimes continue to play the ‘past as prologue’ game with myself, and projecting the same game on others.
The “just cuz it [sucked, hurt, frustrated, disappointed, bored, ….pick a word] doesn’t mean it has to or will be in the now/future.” Yeah, that’s the ticket! Remembering this, as I approach that phone call with the previously-indifferent receptionist, or get the grocery line with the previously-rude checkout person, or am presenting a conundrum with a previously-unsupporting techie DOES NOT MEAN I have to assume it will be the same again.
Fact is, when faced with memories of the -indifferent, -rude, or -unsupporting, I end up ‘showing up’ for the next encounter with my own chip-on-the-shoulder, which, truthfully, sets the tone for this new event. Jeesh! I sabotage myself, and them, before the encounter even begins. (Humbling awareness. Ha! Thank you, thinking-gal.)
Okay. Great awareness. Positive change.
Then, the thinking gal’s thinking gal pipes up: And how many times do you project the past on GOOD things that are on the horizon? “Just cuz it [satisfied, enticed, thrilled, entertained, was joyful, or ….pick a word] doesn’t mean it has to or will be limited to that level of sameness in the now/future.” Whoa?! Ya mean good could even be Better??!!!!! Novel idea. (Thank you, thinking gal’s thinking gal!)
So (as co-worker and mentor Clarence use to say) Here’s the deal: bring the best version of me to an encounter. Bring knowledge and understanding (ie: so-and-so is allergic to tree nuts) to the encounter. Bring knowledge and ‘systems’ (ie: in order to converse about an account, I’m going to need to have handy the account number and my mother’s maiden name) to that encounter. Bring the vision of the best possible outcome to the encounter.
Then ….. add the phrase that moves beyond even thinking-gal’s thinking gal: “…and something better!”
Get out of the limiting way and allow it to unfold.
Accept a greater, positive pick-a-word. Woohoo!