Kindness : “having or showing a friendly, generous, and considerate nature, and encompassing gentleness, respect, amiability, and concern”
~ Alex H. Johnstone, (1930-2017) – Professor – Chemistry, Univ of Glasgow, Scotland.
Each year for more than a decade and a half I pick a word that will represent what the year ahead will be and mean for me.
Now, when I say ‘pick’, I am talking about getting quiet, giving contemplate thought, and meditation time, to hear and listen. Now….. this gets a little ‘woo’ …..yet facts be facts, the word echoes loud and clear in my head. I hear it; I don’t think it. (Woo enough for ya?!) My Muses simply let me know.
I can go ‘woohoo.’ or ‘say-it-ain’t-so-hunny!’ Yet…. there it is: The Word.
Sometimes with my ‘yippee’ I think I know what and how the word shall show up in my life, and how I will show up with it. Silly goose! In 2010 the word was ‘Change.’ “Great,” I’m thinking. “Fun cool interesting enhancing change!” And then….. the Nashville Flood of 2010 happened. Whoa Nellie! That wasn’t the kind of Change I was planning on!!! Yet Change happened indeed!
Since that time, I have had to reMind myself to Not project the meaning of The Word. Be aware of it ~ daily. Act, to the best of my present ability in accordance with it ~ daily. See how I show up in it’s life; see how it shows up in mine ~ daily. (Last year’s word was ‘Integrity.’ Let me tell ya, there were times living that Word was a shite-show. NOT a pretty sight. And at other times…….ahhhhh. Nirvana.)
This year’s Word is ‘Kindness.’ Late, late, late in December I heard it: I felt my physical body relax, and my thoughts simplify. Softly. Gently. Simply ~ Kindness.
Oh, Thank you. Thank you, thank you, thank you.
I really needed Kindness ~ soft, gentle, simple Kindness. So much grief over losses of so many, many people, and places and things, and impactful events in 2022. To the point of overwhelm. So, yes, like Arthur I gratefully reach out my hand, heart, and Mind, to pull the ‘sword’ of Kindness into conscious being for this year of ’23. I am agreeing to pursue generousness and respect in the name of Kindness.
Receiving Kindness from others (Accept): Knowing, affirming healthy boundaries for what I believe, and how I give permission for others to treat and interact with me. Being Kind and showing Kindness to and with others (Share): Honoring and affirming others healthy wants and needs, and boundaries, when interacting, including ‘strangers.’ Most of all, being lovingly, gently Kind to myself. Show that generosity, consideration, respect, and concern to and for me. Daily.
Wow. Thank you Muses ~ Higher Power ~ Universe and Spirit ~ god/goddess/all that is. The Big Kahuna ……. by whatever name ….. thank you. The response-ability is in my hands.
Let me know how I’m doing!! Kindly though.