“We all need a … checkup, from the neck up, to avoid stinkin’ thinkin’ which ultimately leads to hardening of the attitudes.”
~ Zig Ziglar.
Just like with the body or your car, it’s about that time of year for an annual 7-Point Auto(matic) “reality” check-up.
- Kick the tires (and check the tread) to certify alignment with this leg of your Journey
- Replace an old Filter with new and healthier ways of thinking.
- Recalibrate the ‘onboard computer’ of assumptions and beliefs.
- See if the GPS (Grateful Practices of Spirit) coordinates with your GSP (Genuine Spiritual Principles)
- Check the Points (as in ‘what is the’…) to ensure they are making contact and igniting your Envisionings
- Examine your PVC (Personal Virtues Choices) and see that it coincides your PCV (Personal Core Values)
- Test how much spark is left in those Plugs of your’s. (Ha!) Sooooo Important for energizing you on your way into another year!
Check? Check!
Good to go!!
Yessss! Go live a Life that is a Cup-Filler!
(ReMinder: Be sure and reality-check again after the next revolution around the sun.
Regular maintenance is highly recommended!)
Namaste,’ Lin