Weeks of Listening have now culminated into the inevitable “List.” {Interesting how ‘List’ is the intro to the word ‘Listen.’ Ah-ha moment there !} I’ve been a rabid list-maker as far back as I can remember. What I find is that I create a pencil-path to begin following: for a project, the day, or (like now) the steps thought-of for another portion of the Journey. List-making, for me, brings clarity, and pinpoints the thoughts heard from SpiritSpeak {and most recently the shared message heard via a dear friend, and another from a billboard as I drove along a street where I thought I was ‘lost.’ No accidents / no coincidences !}
List-making also allows, for me, potentiality-thinking; upon review points out conundrums and/or inconsistencies, and then becomes a blueprint I can choose to follow, modify, or even discard once I’ve weighed options. I love lists ! I find that they are the self-recognized way-shower moments that have moved from thought and Mind into an early more tangible format. From there begins the even-more tangible moments of Movement.
I shared last time (Oct 3rd) that “I have been hearing Spirit Speak ‘telling me’ to be patient ~ to stay aware ~ to Trust ~ to Know that something is getting ready to reveal itself.” Well, ‘It’ has been revealed, now with distinct clarity. No more bits’n’pieces of data, what-if conversations (within myself, and with others) that have been taking place for more than a month. A finite “Here’s the deal; now decide /choose how you are going to respond.” Hence, the Lists.
Since I do not have the right to share someone else’s story {atleast not without their permission} I AM choosing to share how their story affects me, and the response I am in the process of making. There is a loved one in my life who is facing an unexpected end-of-life journey, Here and Now. Another loved one, connected with this individual, is facing the unexpected turmoil and disarray (both emotionally and tangibly), and centeredness-shifting consequences as well. Time {and what an Illusion that is !} is “of the essence.” Here and Now.
The SpiritSpeak I have been hearing now make perfect sense. “…to Know that something is getting ready to reveal Itself ~ and this ‘something’ is of vital importance: both to me and to others. There is something that I am being guided to do that is part of my journey and a Divine plan.”
I am choosing to answer a Call ~ from within, from above, and from my loved ones. Is it something that is on my “boy howdy ! This sounds like fun !!” list ? Nope. Was there a long ago glimmer that this is a direction I would be led to on my ‘Journey’ list? Double Nope. Is it in keeping with my Purpose that I discovered years ago, that part of “connecting deeply and intimately with others ~ in being a confidante, teacher, way-shower ~ an advocate, mentor, cheerleader and champion? A friend?” Yup. In fact, Double Yup.
Spirit Speak ~ and Spirit Spoke; I am Listening. Again, remembering-to-remember Simplicity ~ the KISS principle (Keep it simple, sweetie!). Trusting. Feeling. And ~ I am Following. {All in and for my Highest Good.} And I am making my Lists.
I do have to chuckle here ~ as several of the ‘things’ I declare (and have declared for years) that I wish to continue to experience different include: warm weather and temperate climes vs being in the cold, living (even temporarily) in the Northeast [or as Robin Williams jokingly referred to it – anything above ‘the Manson/Nixon line’], living in a geographic environment that is calmer, slower paced, with less hurly-burly go-do-go and frenetic (by my standards). ALL of those items are currently wagging themselves in front of me like a pack of persistent puppies.
What tops my List of ‘go and do this” is an awareness that: can I do less than what Spirit does for me? I AM always listened to. No shaming, blaming, judging, or ‘shoulding.’ Simply Loved ~ unconditionally. Also, shared with me from the friend mentioned earlier, is this message: ”Spirit Inspires only. Your body is ONLY hands for the spirit (Spirit has no thumbs – haha). Fear has nothing to do with this process, and only need be ignored.” Again, ~ answers are revealed, ways are being shown, treasures are to be shared, and joys multiplied as I stay open to receive. I don’t have to figure out what those treasures and joys are ~ I simply have to choose to be Open to hearing / seeing / feeling them as they (and opportunities) present themselves.
I find that it is also “no accident / no coincidence” that I am presently staying on a warm southern coastal beach ~ absorbing the sounds and sensations of warmth, Ocean, time-standing-pretty-friggin’ still. All cup-fillers for me. I am absorbing them all into my being and Being. Pockets of Serenity and Balm I can pull forth in the month(s) to come. For in the months to come, I’ll be temporarily residing in a ‘burb of Baltimore. In my mind, can’t get much more frenetic than that….. especially with this being election year…. and let’s not even go there !
An enormous saving grace for me is that I’ve absolutely loved connecting with folks again this past week in Coaching. I am Knowing that will continue no matter the geographic location. It’s my ‘soul-food’ ~ the staying in touch with my mentors, guides, and way-showers …. my friends and touch-stones. Too , too precious and valuable to and for me. {I ask that you maintain contact with me ~ as it means a great deal that I am affirmed, while I give in this process of affirming the Life of another.}
So what then are the Lists I’m making, you may ask? The Choice to go has been made ~ so what’s left? Ahhhh…grasshoppa ! Many things. How to recognize ahead of time how codependency can (and most likely will) raise it’s head. Acknowledgment of the ‘things’ that I embrace that keep me centered, grounded, yet still embrace a care-giving (vs caretaking) mindset. What are the physical accouterments I can take with me as re Minders to Love Lin (be it a brand of tea, a mantle clock, photos of loved ones, my favorite hot chocolate to put in the morning java, sage bundles, music, laptop and e-addys, Louise’s calendar and book, colorful notepaper and envelopes to pen-pal the grandkids. Cuddleduds are also on the list ~ and for those of you who have not heard of ’em, they’re great silky-on-the-outside / flannel-y on the inside longjohns : )
The decision-list of, as the song lyrics go, “do I stay or do I go?” has been made, pondered, edited, weighed, and completed. Many of my “well what about’s…..” have been dealt with psychologically and emotionally, gently as possible. The inner-kid’s list of “but I wanna….” has also been dealt with honoringly…. playfully … and ‘parentally’….. as much as possible, in this moment in time. {And I’m not talking about the ‘because I said so’ responses !} My Blue Sky is still alive and well, with reMinders from SpiritSpeak that there are a multitude of forks in the road that are taking me there. Trust. Listen. Follow. And so it is.
Going to head out to the beach now. Walk, kick some surf, watch for dolphins, let more freckles dance across my skin, absorb, relax, breathe …. and experience the awe of each step. Life ~ what an amazing Journey.
Namaste.’ Lin