“For those that understand, no explanation is necessary. For those that don’t understand, no explanation is enought” – Boots G.
One of the joys I’ve experienced in both my personal and professional life was to be introduced to 12-Step and it’s philosophy some 25+ years ago. That connection and involvement catapulted a journey that was in its struggling infancy and brought me to a level of connection and commitment to Self that had been missing for a long, long time ~ most likely from my infancy !
Recovery is a Journey that Works ~ if you work it. It is full of amazing growth and insight, great abundant laughter, recognition of a past that no longer has the power-and-control to create undeniable havoc, and, an embracing of a loving, healthy, non-codependent concept of ‘we.’
“Only I can do it, yet I can’t do it alone.”
Recovery Coaching is for those folks who’ve had a bit of time in the Program, who possibly face making some changes that feel Big, or who want to enhance and expand their Recovery journey in a manner a bit different than what they find in a traditional meeting. Recovery Coaching does not replace Meetings, a Sponsor, or working the Steps within the guidelines of the Program you are in. It does allow for a further exploration of concepts, a forum for learning to “practice these principles in all our affairs,” a supportive environment to take one’s personal Program into a dimension once only wished for.
As I noted above, you know the work you have already done. You know the successes and milestones reached. Therefore, Recovery Coaching is about the You: here-and-now … and the direction of where you are wanting to go and grow. No dwelling in the past; no “ain’t it awful-ing.” No shame and blame. Simply good, healthy self-responsibility and self-growth. Onward. Forward. Building on the foundation you created. I would be honored to work this expansion of your Journey with you.